sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2009
this is the end... my only friend
Of course, this ceremony forces me to make a little trip to remember how this experience has been. Everything starts when I was a freshman. That’s when I realize that English language Empire was calling me. I was obligated to take this course, because if I didn’t take it, I couldn’t graduate me of psychologist. So that’s where my history begins. If anyone asks me now if I’m sorry for taking this course, I respond that absolutely not. I’ve learn many things that I might use in the future. But this couldn’t be like that, without my teacher. I think that I have to give an honorific mention to Alvaro, because he is a great guy, and I think that this course wouldn’t be so great if he had not been there.
Another reason why I find this course has been successful is for the use of social networks as blogs. Using blogs allows us to being always writing, and trying to be updated. If someone asks me for some suggestions to this blog sessions, I would probably say that should be allowed to students write about their favorite topics always. Other suggestion would be that all classmates should write in a chat, so that every student was forced to interact and had to think and write something English in real time. I hope that those things will be consider for future English courses.
Finally, I’ve enjoy a lot this travel despite all other funny (but real) things that I’ve say about “English: the language of the Empire”. And now, some final conclusions about my experience. I think that this two years have been useful, because I’ve learn, talk, and write every Friday in English, but the most important thing, is that this course was more like a fun and relax time to spend with my classmates, then a rigid and boring English class. In a environment like that, English learning it’s a lot more easy and durable I think. Who knows, maybe this “baptism” may work.
viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009
This is not a great blog.
I think that psychology should question more there bases, their epistemological foundations, and then try to change the world. If we don’t criticize ourselves, we could never make a real change in this Earth. Psychology, as many other social sciences, is always changing, and thinking about what are they doing, their mission.
And now, I don’t want to write more about this, because I’m tired, so I will full with words until I complete 350 words. So I don’t know about what you want to talk about it, but I just want to go home and cry, because I’m an slave in this room, and my teacher won’t let me go if I don’t write 350 beautiful words.
I don’t know what else I could to talk about it. I hope you enjoy my lalala. Now, I’m going to say you bye bye, because I don’t want to keep talking. I think that I’ve repeat that like 350 times.
I want to sleep, because I haven’t sleep. I don’t know anything. This might be the worse blog that I’ve written in much time. And I hope that you excuse me, but I don’t have any more ideas to put in here. That’s my challenge.
viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009
Activities I enjoy the most
Finally, I think that people should always do what they want it to.
viernes, 23 de octubre de 2009
improve your life
The benefits of building a place like this, will be amazing, because all people will be so relaxed that will never fight, and if they do, they could resolve their problems faster, because their minds will be clearer than in other minutes when they live and share in that brown old knocked down Faculty.
And further recommendations for new social scientists, it’s that they invent a new hugging machine to make their life happy.
And the absolutely real recommendation it’s just, enjoy life, love your family and friends. Have a great day dear you :)
viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009
I think that music it’s great for health. Endorphins are waiting for music to run free for your body. And finally, here you have a link of my favorite musician, Fito Paez:
Enjoy :)
viernes, 9 de octubre de 2009
The guardian article
This article talks about psychology as a career for future students. This expose try to answer four questions. What will I learn?, ¿What skills will it give me? , ¿What job can I get? and finally ¿What will look good on the CV?. This question became a university guide for future students. The first question gives you a general perspective about what it is psychology and what do you need to do learn to become a psychologist. You must initiate with a general grounding in biological, to finally end with a cognitive psychology. The second question talks about what skills will you develop in a career like this. Some of those are research skills, of course, when students graduate they will have plenty of background knowledge, and will be able to demonstrate critical and independent thinking. The third question talks about jobs that a psychologist can get, those jobs could involve work in educational area, or do some work as clinical psychologist, or an occupational one. Finally, the fourth question ¿what will look good on the CV?. And the answer of the text is this, the ability to apply multiple perspectives to psychological issues and the effective team working skills.
viernes, 2 de octubre de 2009
My favorite dish
If I have to put a remembrance related to this dish, I think that I will always remember when I was on vacations with my friends, and the only think that we have to cook and eat, it was this. Noodles always make you feel full in your stomach, and it’s so cheap, so you don’t need to spend much money and time in this.
I always recommend coke with any dish, at any hour. Drink coke always and you will be happy… and fat. And if you have a little of Ron, that coke will taste better. That’s all that I have to say for now. I recommend this dish! You must eat! It so “exclusive”! I don’t know what else to say so, bye.
viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2009
What to do and where to go in Santiago.
If the tourists are bohemian maybe they will like to visit Bellavista and its surroundings, like the Forestal Park, and “Bellas Artes” Museum. Finally, I suggest visiting all this places using the subway, because it’s less difficult and safer.
domingo, 6 de septiembre de 2009
En la cama
What I love about this film is that everything happens in the same room. You can see all their transformations, their feelings being exposed in that same little sad room. Everything stops! In the film only exists those two, in that bed, having sex, feeling, crying, just being there like if no one else exist. Those two were Gonzalo Valenzuela and Blanca Lewin, playing to Bruno and Daniela respectively. I went alone to Cine hoyts to see that movie, and I recommend it a lot. You most see it! It’s incredible.
You never know when will be the day in which one your life will change forever, maybe the amazing of this film, is that makes you think that any day could be that day.
sábado, 29 de agosto de 2009
Transantiago: before and after
Firs of all the “yellow” busses weren’t great. I remember that when I had to go to school, I had to wake very early because all busses were full. That’s why I think that Transantiago is a better system then the old one. Although is necessary to emphasize, that exists two moments in this new system. Because when this system started, it wasn’t functional, I couldn’t even get in to the bus, it was chaotic. However, now my experience it’s very different, because I don’t have to wait more then five minutes to catch the bus, or try to get in for back doors. Now I can wait calm the bus, and if it comes full, I can wait for other because I have certainty that busses will arrive soon.
Well, if I could make some changes to this system, I will try to get better in infrastructure. Get more machines on the street, and try to eliminate all the old yellow busses that are still around the city. Other change might be the extension of the routes. With this we could try to get better the real problem now, the subway. That might be the real conflict in this new system.
viernes, 21 de agosto de 2009
A country I would like to visit
I would like to visit South Africa, because I think that it might be interesting know something absolutely different from my own country. I really don’t know much about this country, I mean I know some things that you can see on TV, like safaris, or maybe some tribes, but I don’t know anything in detail. Well, if I could stay there for a few months, maybe a year, it would be great because I might learn a lot about people who lives there. However, I don’t know if my discipline could be helpful there, and not because I don’t think that psychology is not important, but I think that maybe they could have some other needs, more important than psychology. I understand that this could result difficult to understand, but if people die every day for AIDS or hunger, maybe psychology could wait for a while.
South Africa has some many textures and worldviews that it is worth to go there with our ingenuity, and make an effort to apprehend all of them, all their culture, I mean, try to connect whit others wisdoms that here in Occident we have lost or sale in favor of a few oil barrels and U.S.A dollars.
viernes, 14 de agosto de 2009
Some of the challenges that I faced involved my family, my sister, who leave the house to live alone with her boyfriend. It was hard at the beginning because some days I missed her a lot, but at the end things get better when I visited her.
Finally, I hope that the second part of this year it will be successful, and I hope that I can pass all my subjects to have a great end of the year, and start a renewed 2010.
lunes, 15 de junio de 2009
Blogging experience
Well, this is the end, my only friend… “The doors” couldn’t say it better, but it doesn’t have any relation with my declaration today.
I’ve enjoy this experience, because I’ve never write English like I do now. I think that write every week in this blog makes you improve your English capacities, your vocabulary, because we are obligated to do this. So every week was a new challenge for me, some days we have to write about some boring things, and some others we have to talk about some interesting issues. One of the most interesting blogs for me was about education, because we have to analyze the education phenomenon from another point of view. We have to understand that public education in our times is not the best, because the government tries to develop some specific areas of our brain, in particular the children works there logical-mathematical hemisphere. That’s what I enjoy. However, when you have to do this against time, or you have to write about topics that doesn’t like you, that’s when this task become into a something boring, that stress you, and doesn’t allows you to work in peace.
The advantages of this blog, is that you can you use your imagination and write about anything, even we you have a specific subject to talk about. That’s when you have to use your brain, and try to change a boring task, into a funny one, where you enjoy it. Evidently, other advantage was that we have to learn about so many things in English, so many words that we have to replace for others. Some disadvantages of doing this blog, was that in moments like now, when you don’t know what to write about, you write about anything, just for refill this blog. Bye, I hope that you enjoy this experience too.
lunes, 8 de junio de 2009
My ideal job
jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009
Talks Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity
Do we value ours bodies? Does the people knows there capacities? Or just we’ve born to be restricted for other simplifier minds? Ken Robinson says that children are an extremely creative people, but the public education system limits them. You can’t be a writer or a musician in this world; you have to do what this evil system needs. The industrialization has ordered our priorities for their self conservation. So, the education system reproduces tools for system convenience. Our brains has been development in one area only. Arts, or other creativity activities are obsolete in our minds, because we’ve been educated to serve others interest, and not our owns. But in this times, where global warming is in each corner, perspectives are changing. Maybe we have to do a change in ourselves, and think in create something, and don’t produce things. I think that difference in this thing, maybe the value that we attach them. Are children the future? Or just a reproduction of the past?
lunes, 25 de mayo de 2009
My favorite subject this term
My favorite subject this semester is psychopathology. This subject is TEACHED by Luis Alvarado and Jose Luis Rossi. The first one is psychiatrist, and whit him we have seen some patients on the Salvador’s Hospital. In the other corner, is Jose Luis Rossi who is a psychologist and teach us some things more academics about this subject, whit him we don’t see any patients; however we learn a lot about his experience on this field. I like this subject because I see in the practice how the personality disorders and structures are working. In this semester, I’ve learn that normality it’s not a healthy parameter necessarily, even more, this factor could be trigger for a psychopathology whose name is “normopathy”. This affection talks about people that it can’t be “abnormal”; it just can’t be act different to the social rules. Other things that I’ve learn this semester are some important distinctions between delirious and hallucinations.
lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009
The futureeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Where do I going to live in a few years? Will I do a master’s? Who knows (well, this is a rhetoric question, obviously I should know something about it). I don’t have any big plan for the future; I would like to be alive. I don’t know if it’s going to be a great future, or just a common one, but I will like to be studying for many many years, maybe do a master’s on gender. I’m going to study other career in this faculty, probably Anthropology. Personally I would like to spend the time with someone I care. In five more years I’m going to buy a house, in a place quiet, but in the middle town, something very difficult in this times. I wish that I can help to others with their problems being a psychologist, try to make a difference in their lives. Something like that will make me happy. And that’s for now, this could change, who knows, I just one to sleep peacefully in the future.
lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009
The best teacher on my field
Jose Luis Rossi is the best teacher of psychology, because he tries to make you understand everything about his class. Well, his specialty is the psychopathology and he knows everything about it. In his class, he doesn’t use any additional technologic resources like power points. More teachers should be like him, because he tries that every one of the students understands his subject, and what he is talking about. Always tries to join the theory with the practical, and that’s why his classes are so entertainment and compressible, because he has so many histories about his own patients that makes you want to graduate rapidly to have experiences like he does. He enjoys what he does, and that’s transmitting in his class. That as an important point for any teacher, that he loves what he is doing, and put his best efforts in there teaching. Finally, I don’t find any photo of him. But its okay, what is real important is what he is talking about.
lunes, 4 de mayo de 2009
My career
My favorite subject in psychology, at this moment because it can change, is psychopathology because this covers an area very interesting, about the personality disorders and there treatment. But the subject that I thing that makes a difference with the others careers, is the continuous questioning about the “normality”, and how we conceive the human being. In particular, this last sentence about how is conceived the “humanity” is the real deal in psychology. You have to understand that are many points of view in the career that are not complementary. So, every point of view it’s a political manifestation of power. Neutrality doesn’t exist in science. Are we a science? Or just a political instrument that adapts people better to the capitalist system? Promote dissidence or adaption?
lunes, 20 de abril de 2009
Website www.psicoactiva.com
lunes, 13 de abril de 2009
My favorite piece of technology

My favorite piece of technology is the mp3 player. I didn't buy this product, because Santa Claus gave it to me at Christmas (yes, he exists). So, I got it in December 24, and then we fell in love. I use it to listen to my favorite songs, however, I can use it to save any document from a computer, and then I put those files in my mp3 (connecting this device throw their usb port). You don't need to know much about this great invention to use it. It's very easy, you just have to turn on this technology pushing the "play" button. This button you can identify it really easy and fast because it has a triangle that indicates the turn on button, that works too for turning off the device. That "incredible" button permits you to open folders that you have already created on your pc. Well, I use this thing every day, every minute of silence it's a perfect oportunnity to use it. I like this device, because allows me to feel like if I were suspended. I don't know, maybe this thing creates a place for yourself just when you need it to. For example, when you are surrounded for people, and you want to escape from them and you can't, well, that is a perfect example for what I'm talking about. And finally, my life it wouldn't change a lot. The difference will be that when I want escape for a minute, I will open a book instead of playing my mp3.