lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009

The futureeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Where do I going to live in a few years? Will I do a master’s? Who knows (well, this is a rhetoric question, obviously I should know something about it). I don’t have any big plan for the future; I would like to be alive. I don’t know if it’s going to be a great future, or just a common one, but I will like to be studying for many many years, maybe do a master’s on gender. I’m going to study other career in this faculty, probably Anthropology. Personally I would like to spend the time with someone I care. In five more years I’m going to buy a house, in a place quiet, but in the middle town, something very difficult in this times. I wish that I can help to others with their problems being a psychologist, try to make a difference in their lives. Something like that will make me happy. And that’s for now, this could change, who knows, I just one to sleep peacefully in the future.

7 comentarios:

  1. I dont know your future but I want the best future for you.
    i would like celebrate together

  2. It will be a good future, it will be a really good future, and if only all people could sleep peacefully the world will be more beautiful.

  3. hahaha
    Me too, I don't have all my future planned.
    Like psychologist, you can do many things. I hope that you are happy doing your work... or sleeping like you want hahaha ;)

    see you!

  4. hi!
    you will be a great psychologist..

    good luck =)

  5. Very quiet future, I think that you should take more risks in your life, do a bungee jump!

  6. Hi.
    I agree with you, because we don't know where we will end, or what we will be doing.
    I hope you'll be a great psychologist.
    See you!

  7. Andrés I liked your reflection. I think you should pay attention to some minor mistakes to be perfect with your writing!!! Well-done!!!
