lunes, 20 de abril de 2009
I don't usually visit web sites about my career, however I'm going to visit some pages now to learn and discover some things new about the discipline that I'm studying. Well, the first site that I'm interested to visit is The first thing that take my attention is that this site has a link or a folder about "tests". Well this is very funny, because many people usually make this tests to know more about them selfs, or to compare with other people, however this things doesn't say anything serious about whou you are. The problem about this web site is that many people really thinks that test had a very high certainty about there answers, however people doesn't know that every test "should" be validate it in every country to be used. Some things that I do like about the web site, is that you can find many cientific articles about psicology. Finally, i found this web site through It's a very easy way to found many things. However, there are millions of pages, and you have to filter this to found that really can help you out. That's it.
lunes, 13 de abril de 2009
My favorite piece of technology

My favorite piece of technology is the mp3 player. I didn't buy this product, because Santa Claus gave it to me at Christmas (yes, he exists). So, I got it in December 24, and then we fell in love. I use it to listen to my favorite songs, however, I can use it to save any document from a computer, and then I put those files in my mp3 (connecting this device throw their usb port). You don't need to know much about this great invention to use it. It's very easy, you just have to turn on this technology pushing the "play" button. This button you can identify it really easy and fast because it has a triangle that indicates the turn on button, that works too for turning off the device. That "incredible" button permits you to open folders that you have already created on your pc. Well, I use this thing every day, every minute of silence it's a perfect oportunnity to use it. I like this device, because allows me to feel like if I were suspended. I don't know, maybe this thing creates a place for yourself just when you need it to. For example, when you are surrounded for people, and you want to escape from them and you can't, well, that is a perfect example for what I'm talking about. And finally, my life it wouldn't change a lot. The difference will be that when I want escape for a minute, I will open a book instead of playing my mp3.
lunes, 6 de abril de 2009
This is who I am Mr. or Mrs YOU
Hello!, my name is Andrés Rincón, and I'm in a course of English. That's the reason why i do this introduction for you. Well, I'm 20 years old, i was born in a beatiful country, Venezuela. You may know this place for their excellent ron that calls "Pampero", maybe you are drinking a glass of that, and you don't care what I'm writing a about.
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